Your Family's Incredible Lifestyle Begins HERE – With Homeschooling
Saturday February 8th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘What the Rest of Us Can Learn from Homeschooling’

Homeschooling: The Butterfly Approach to Learning

Homeschooling: The Butterfly Approach to Learning By Linda Dobson As I begin work on this book, leaves rapidly falling from the trees swirl in wind guests, delivering the unmistakable scent of autumn. Yet the monster marigolds outside my large picture window remain amazingly vibrant, attracting a monarch butterfly slowly flitting from [...]

Catch the Learning Lifestyle Attitude!

Catch the Learning Lifestyle Attitude! By Linda Dobson Our diverse nation is home to many different lifestyles. One family lives simply while next door a country gentleman enjoys the lifestyle of the rich. Somewhere in the same neighborhood are people living gay, religious, or feminist lifestyles. What is it that defines and determines a [...]

You Can Help Your Child Learn: The Learning Coach Approach

You Can Help Your Child Learn: The Learning Coach Approach By Linda Dobson The learning coach approach is for every parent who has watched a child she loves face a situation similar to the one the eldest of my three children was in. As he grew from infancy to school-age, my son was the most easy-going, laid back child I’d ever known. [...]

What the Rest of Us Can Learn – in Japanese! – and Other News

The knock on the door was, unmistakably, that of the UPS driver. “You expecting something?” I asked Sailordude. “Nope; you?” “Nope.” And he went to see what might lie outside the door. It was a delivery I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years, a complete surprise. I ripped open the heavy mailer to find not one, but [...]

Anyone Can Live the Learning Lifestyle (Or How to Walk Like a Homeschooler)

Ready for a big secret? Chances are great that you're looking at this blog to find out just what you need to do to or for your child to improve her school performance. In reality, much of what is necessary for your child's betterment depends more on changes for you, the parent, and how you create the lifestyle to support improved academic [...]