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Saturday February 8th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘Thomas Edison’

What Happens If You Make a Homeschooling Mistake?!

What Happens If You Make a Homeschooling Mistake?! By Linda Dobson Let's face it. When your family is homeschooling, it's basically an exciting, scary, sometimes mind-boggling experiment. You'll lose less sleep and spare yourself a few gray hairs if, from the starting gate, you accept that, because it is a grand experiment, you will make [...]

You Are So Strange: Part 1

You Are So Strange PART ONE By Linda Dobson Some say I've lost my mind and others think I'm crazy! While some suggest I stay at home because I'm lazy. I'm happy to tell them, "This is most untrue." I just changed my career When I answered the ad... Wanted: Housewife/Mother of two. - Barbara Beckett No  doubt  about  it.  When  [...]

Homeschooling Myth #4

Myth #4: Homeschooling is only practiced by "earth mommas" and fundamentalist Christians. By Linda Dobson Editor's Note: Now that the dust has settled from last week's media coverage, seemed this is a very pertinent "myth buster" to share! Reminds me of the saying, "The more things change..." Seems like we always pick the extreme [...]

Resources about Perfectionism By Theresa Willingham

Resources about Perfectionism By Theresa Willingham The Parent Coach: Help For The Perfectionistic Child by Dr. Steven Richfield A parent writes: Our daughter places a great deal of pressure on herself to excel in school, piano, sports, and just about everything else. This pattern makes it hard for her to accept criticism, errors, and [...]

Right about Being Wrong Part 1 By Theresa Willlingham

By Theresa Willingham Thomas Edison worked for years to perfect the light bulb. In his wonderful waterfront estate in Fort Myers, with the fantastic wrap-around veranda I've coveted since childhood, one of his first light bulbs still burns today. It emits a faint, ancient glow, but a glow, nonetheless. Edison's success, however, was not [...]

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