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Wednesday February 12th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘The Learning Coach Approach’

Freebie February for Your Homeschool

Freebie February for Your Homeschool I'm excited to announce that Parent at the Helm is going to be a part of’s first ever, Freebie February! During Freebie February,  educational websites, curriculum providers, and authors, offer free samples of their curricula and free copies of their books to the members and guests of [...]

Help for Hurricane Irene Victims In Hometown Area

Help for Hurricane Irene Victims In Hometown Area By Linda Dobson Hello! Thanks to every one of you who responded to the last post about us needing to take a few days off due to potential Hurricane Irene damage. The forecast got so nasty we made a last minute decision to evacuate (due also to my EMT son's urging). We returned to hear good [...]

Use the Theory of “Flow” In Your Family Learning Plan

Use the Theory of “Flow” In Your Family Learning Plan By Linda Dobson For those skeptics out there who still don’t believe learning can be fun, let me introduce you to Harvard professor Mihaly Csikezentmihalyi or, as I’ve come to know him, “Professor C,” a friend and colleague of Howard Gardner. In his life’s work Professor [...]

Every Parent Is a Perfect Learning Coach – Part Two

Every Parent Is a Perfect Learning Coach part two I'm a day late but hopefully not a dollar short - here is part two of "Every Parent Is a Perfect Learning Coach" to go with Part One that was published Wednesday. Hope you enjoy! More Reasons You're a Great Learning Coach for Your Child • Only You Can Eliminate the Perception of a Child [...]

We Got Her Done! Learning Coach Approach Now Available as eBook

Well, it seems it's been a long time coming but, at last, we were able to put the final touches on the eBook version of The Learning Coach Approach. As the original publisher insisted on publishing it as a hard cover (despite my protestations), the selling price was prohibitive. And that's why we were happy to do the work to turn it into an eBook [...]

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