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Posts Tagged ‘The Homeschooling Book of Answers’

What Does Unschooling Mean and How Is It Different from Homeschooling?

What Does Unschooling Mean and How Is It Different from Homeschooling? Back in 1985, we'd made the decision to become a homeschooling family. No one I talked to knew anything about homeschooling. Despite not knowing anything, they were all, nonetheless, quite certain it was illegal. I was ecstatic when, upon reviewing the latest copy of Growing [...]

Alternatives to Standardized Tests for Homeschooling Families

Alternatives to Standardized Tests for Homeschooling Families   From Susan and Larry Kaseman: Your interest in your homeschooling child's academic standing is understandable. Fortunately, we homeschooling families have many opportunities to observe our children's development. We watch them exploring the world and, when necessary, [...]

Educational Resources Homeschooling Families Love for 3- to 8-Year-Olds

Educational Resources Homeschooling Families LoveĀ for 3- to 8-Year-Olds By Linda Dobson Parent at the Helm shares many posts about how to use materials you already have for some fun learning with your 3- to 8-year-olds. Today, this post reveals a few more items that you don't necessarily already have, but homeschooling families consider [...]

What I Learned as a Homeschooling Parent: Mark and Helen Hegener

What I Learned as a Homeschooling Parent: Mark and Helen Hegener Today, Parent at the Helm is thrilled to share with you one more answer to "What do parents learn from the homeschooling experience?" This answer comes from a couple who has done much to support and encourage the growth of homeschooling across the country and even around the [...]

What Happens When My Child Graduates, Doesn’t Have a Diploma & Wants to Get a Job?

What Happens When My Child Graduates, Doesn't Have a Diploma and Wants to Get a Job? Guest post by Jean Reed A diploma from a high school or college is just a piece of paper. Colleges and employers all know that having that "paper" doesn't necessarily mean the owner knows anything. That's why we keep reading about how the educational [...]

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