Posts Tagged ‘Psychology Today’
It’s Only Natural that Kids Hate Schooling
It's Only Natural that Kids Hate Schooling By Linda Dobson On the heels of Dr. Peter Gray's blog post about the evolutionary roots of children protesting going to bed alone in the dark, he shares with us "Why Children Protest Going to School: More Evolutionary Mismatch." Basically, according to Gray's post: "Most children in our society [...]
Encore: Speaking Truth about School, Even When It’s Not Easy
Encore: Speaking Truth about School, Even When It's Not Easy ENCORE POST! Sometimes there is a post that resonates with many people, and brings them together on the topic of education via comments. "Speaking Truth about School, Even When It's Not Easy," is such a post. Once again I find an article by Peter Gray important enough to share at [...]
Public Education Permeated By a Cheating Culture
By Linda Dobson Everybody's doing it, or so it seems when report after report stack up in the news. On August 6, 2010, Parent at the Helm reported on "Atlanta Suspects 109 Teachers of Testing Cheating." (We subsequently learned that the city spent $100,000 of taxpayers' money to investigate.) Indiana and Texas have public problems [...]
What the Rest of Us Can Learn – in Japanese! – and Other News
The knock on the door was, unmistakably, that of the UPS driver. “You expecting something?” I asked Sailordude. “Nope; you?” “Nope.” And he went to see what might lie outside the door. It was a delivery I wouldn’t have guessed in a million years, a complete surprise. I ripped open the heavy mailer to find not one, but [...]
Speaking Truth about School, Even When It’s Not Easy
Once again I find an article by Peter Gray important enough to share at Parent at the Helm. This one, in fact, was written months before Parent at the Helm existed. It came out on September 9, 2009 on and is titled “Seven Sins of Our System of Forced Education.” Gray begins by admitting that he’s uncomfortable [...]