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Posts Tagged ‘parent at the helm’

The Spring Homeschooling Blog Carnival

The Spring Homeschooling Blog Carnival It's here, it's here, the Spring Homeschooling Blog Carnival is ready for you to indulge. You'll just need to sail over to "The HomeSpun Life" to find a feast for your eyes, not just to read, but also the photos that grace this week's carnival. Of the photos, HomeSpun Life writes: "I’m featuring several [...]

Homeschooling Blog Carnival: Ten and Counting

Homeschooling Blog Carnival: Ten and Counting In honor of hosting their tenth Homeschooling Blog Carnival and "Crayons" upcoming tenth birthday, this week's blog post collection resides at Dewey's Treehouse and is called "Ten and Counting." New at the Homeschooling Blog Carnival What will you be counting? You'll be counting to ten, counting [...]

Carnival of Homeschooling: The Top Ten Film Edition

Carnival of Homeschooling: The Top Ten Film Edition You'll find it at Homeschool Dad's blog, The Carnival of Homeschooling: The Top Ten Film Edition, jam-packed with great reading and a peek at your favorite bloggers favorite movies, and Homeschool Dad shares his own personal Top Ten! Sail on over and see if you agree with any of us. What's Up [...]

Linda Dobson Talks with The Unplugged Mom

Linda Dobson Talks with The Unplugged Mom On April 29, 2011, The Unplugged Mom, a.k.a. Laurette Lynn, aired the interview she conducted with Parent at the Helm's creator, Linda Dobson, some days earlier. Laurette did a great job asking questions. The hour flew by as it felt  very much like talking with a friend over coffee about mutual [...]

Parent at the Helm’s May Book Giveaway!

Parent at the Helm’s MAY BOOK GIVEAWAY I'm so happy to announce that Parent at the Helm's May Book Giveaway comes to you courtesy of Wendy Priesnitz, longtime friend and fellow homeschooling advocate from Canada. This month, one lucky winner will obtain one of her most popular books, Challenging Assumptions in Education. This book offers a [...]

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