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Tuesday February 18th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘North Carolina’

6 Reasons States Shouldn’t Balance Budgets with a Carrot to Homeschool

6 Reasons States Shouldn't Balance Budgets with a Carrot to Homeschool By Linda Dobson Well, it looks like the "Homeschoolers Against Tax Credits" page on Facebook was set up just in the knick of time. The page is a place to share information for families that homeschool (or support homeschooling) who know that taking bait from the state is a [...]

Quote of the Month

BY MEDIA GENERAL NEWS SERVICE U.S. Rep. Virginia Foxx (NC), criticized for a string of polarizing statements made last year on the floor of Congress, drew attention this week for saying that the U.S. government should not pay for education. Foxx’s statement came Tuesday on Capitol Hill, during a discussion about health-care [...]