Posts Tagged ‘new homeschoolers’
Homeschooling Resources: It’s Apple-Picking Time!
Homeschooling Resources By Rebecca Rupp It’s apple-picking time! And there are a lot of resources out there for apple-lovers. Try some of these: Jody Fickes Shapiro’s Up, Up, Up! It’s Apple-Picking Time (Holiday House, 2008) is a cheerful harvest tale in which young Myles and Amber go to their grandparents’ orchard to help out at [...]
Homeschooling Resources: Seedballs!
Homeschooling Resources: Seedballs! By Becky Rupp Barbara Cooney’s Miss Rumphius (Puffin, 1985) is surely one of the most beautiful children’s picture books of all time. As a little girl, the main character, Alice – who grows up to be Miss Rumphius – has two ambitions: she wants to travel the world and do [...]
Why You DON’T Need a Curriculum for Learning
Why You DON'T Need a Curriculum for Learning By Linda Dobson A curriculum is a course of study. It might help if you think of it as a highly planned tour through learning. If, in your exploration of do-it-yourself education reform, you feel more comfortable using such a tour guide, then by all means use a tour guide! There are many sources of [...]