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Tuesday February 18th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘New Hampshire’

6 Reasons States Shouldn’t Balance Budgets with a Carrot to Homeschool

6 Reasons States Shouldn't Balance Budgets with a Carrot to Homeschool By Linda Dobson Well, it looks like the "Homeschoolers Against Tax Credits" page on Facebook was set up just in the knick of time. The page is a place to share information for families that homeschool (or support homeschooling) who know that taking bait from the state is a [...]

Defending Homeschool Liberty

By Judy Aron I cannot stress enough the importance of remaining vigilant and working together to change or stop pieces of legislation which are burdensome, onerous, or just plain stupid.  New Hampshire homeschoolers should be congratulated on their stunning victory last week which defeated a legislative attempt to impose more stringent [...]

Congrats, New Hampshire Homeschoolers!

This is just a quick note to let readers know that New Hampshire homeschoolers' hard work held off a legislative threat to their free practice of home education. Congratulations, one and that the civics lesson is over, go have a snowball fight and enjoy!