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Posts Tagged ‘national curriculum’

Update on No Child Left Behind Waivers

Update on No Child Left Behind Waivers: 26 States and Counting By Linda Dobson Ah, yes, nothing says "it's a law" like waivers for more than half of those who fall under it. Similar to "the health care law applies to everyone, except those who receive waivers because of the increased expense," 26 states have now received waivers from the No [...]

The U.S. Department of Education is Breaking the Law; Pass It On

The U.S. Department of Education is Breaking the Law; Pass It On If you've watched news about education over the last few decades, and you've noticed that the U. S. Department of Education has paid for and, therefore, taken over more and more control of what goes on in the classroom, it may come as no surprise that they have officially crossed [...]

Will the $4b Bribe Bring National Standards to U.S.? By Judy Aron

By Judy Aron Here comes yet another national power grab. The U.S. government has created proposed education standards, in cooperation with "experts" who were appointed by the nation's governors and school superintendents. These standards spell out in detail what concepts and skills students should learn in every grade from K [...]

National Curriculum Coming to a School Near You!

But don’t look for anything spoken of as “national curriculum.” Instead, it shall be called “common core” to “sidestep the federalism debate,” according to a 3.10.10 Washington Post article by Nick Anderson called “Governors, State School Superintendents to Propose Common Academic Standards.” Yes, we wouldn’t want a debate [...]