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Posts Tagged ‘Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’

Grandma Linda’s Weekly Words of Wisdom

"To experience such simple pleasures of parenting, one has to pay attention, to know what the child is 'proud of,' what she is 'into'; then one has to devote more attention to share those activities with her. Only when there is harmony between the goals of the participants, when everyone is investing psychic energy into a joint goal, does being [...]

Grandma Linda’s Weekly Words of Wisdom

"What was so amazing about Linus Pauling is that even at ninety years of age he kept the enthusiasm and curiosity of a young child. Everything he did or said was bubbling with energy. Despite the early adversit and the later hardships, he exuded an obvious joie de vivre. And there was no secret about how he did it; in his own words: 'I just went [...]