Posts Tagged ‘Linda Dobson’
Compelled to Attend Part One
Compelled to Attend Part One of Three Can you think of a better way to insure that you will be “made” according to the dictates of others than by forcing you, by law, to appear at a government-funded, state-controlled institution where you spend a predetermined number of years as part of a crowd subject constant scrutiny and evaluation? [...]
Homeschooling: Individual Interests, or the Pursuit of Happiness
As a child, did you ever have to give up a practice that meant a lot to you? Maybe it was drum playing, or cave exploring, or baking sinfully rich desserts. Have you ever wondered what life may have been like had you continued this practice? Fuller, more meaningful, perhaps? Sorry. Like many of us, you may never know. Your child doesn't ever have [...]
VaHomeschoolers 2010 Conference and Resource Fair
It's official! The terrific folks at the Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers have posted info about their 2010 conference online. It happens March 12 -13 at the Cultural Arts Center at Glen Allen, 2880 Mountain Road, Glen Allen, Virginia. Relying solely on volunteers, the growth of this organization has been, in a word, astounding! Their [...]
A Christmas Wish List for Parent Bookworms
If you still haven't gotten your Christmas gift wish list together - and you'd like to learn a bit more about how children learn and homeschooling - here's a short list of possibilities for your list, in no particular order of importance...just plain ol' (and in some cases, pretty old!) good reading! In Their Own Way: Discovering and [...]