Posts Tagged ‘Linda Dobson’
The 4 Crucial Responsibilities to Accept Before Education Can Occur: Part 3
The 4 Crucial Responsibilities to Accept Before Education Can Occur: Part 3 By John Gatto 5. If Good and Evil are the first responsibility that has to be accepted, the second is the necessity of work. I stress "necessity" because it is independent of personal wealth, cleverness, or genius. Education doesn't just happen, not even to the [...]
Why Are We Afraid Of Switching to Homeschooling??
Why Are We Afraid Of Switching to Homeschooling? By Linda Dobson We know those who hold the power and the money in today's education system would fear reform that puts children's education ahead of profit, prestige, convenience, and employment security. But what do we, the people, have to be afraid of if government loosens its monopolistic [...]
RATS! One of the Reasons Homeschooling Works So Well
RATS! One of the Reasons Homeschooling Works So Well By Linda Dobson Adapted from The Ultimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas: 500+ Fun and Creative Learning Activities The good news is that there is now enough research on learning to fill a set of encyclopedias many times over. The bad news is most of it is ignored by those who determine [...]
What If…
What If... By Linda Dobson What if we practiced the Golden Rule with children...all children? What if adults stopped trying to change each child's essence to make him fit into a quite confining mold of sameness as all others? What if our schools actually educated children, instead of programming them? What if we saved grading for eggs [...]
Imagine a Homeschooling Day: Part 2 of 2
Imagine a Homeschooling Day Part 2 of 2 By Linda Dobson Picking up from yesterday: "Since you are out and about, you decide to stop at the grocery store." You check your wallet and tell your son you have $20 to spend. He pulls out paper and pencil, and the two of you brainstorm the best way to spend the money based on your collective memories [...]