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Posts Tagged ‘Linda Dobson’

Five FREE Ways to Improve Children’s Education

BY LINDA DOBSON 5 Free Ways to Improve Children's Education 1. Get rid of tests. But how do we know if they're learning anything? Talk to them, you know, like they're real human beings. 2. Let children learn the basics (reading, writing, basic arithmetic) by reading real books, writing for real purposes, and calculating for a [...]

What Do Homeschooling Parents Do When the Nest Is Empty?

What Do Homeschooling Parents Do When the Nest Is Empty? BY LINDA DOBSON Over the years I've done my best to stay in touch with the many homeschooling moms and dads I've have the privilege to meet throughout the years of traveling to homeschooling conferences and working with many of them. I thought it would be fun to go through my Facebook [...]

What Does Unschooling Mean and How Is It Different from Homeschooling?

What Does Unschooling Mean and How Is It Different from Homeschooling? Back in 1985, we'd made the decision to become a homeschooling family. No one I talked to knew anything about homeschooling. Despite not knowing anything, they were all, nonetheless, quite certain it was illegal. I was ecstatic when, upon reviewing the latest copy of Growing [...]

9 Tips to Keep Housework at Bay While Homeschooling

9 Tips to Keep Housework at Bay While Homeschooling BY LINDA DOBSON You think your house has that "lived-in" look now? Wait until it's actually lived in! But where is the law that says our homes must be void of dust bunnies, and who gave Martha Stewart the final say on it all? Homeschooling families leap the housework hurdle in their own [...]

Don’t Let Educationese Stop You from Homeschooling

Don't Let Educationese Stop You from Homeschooling BY LINDA DOBSON Educationese is the language of an institution concerned with management, efficiency, teachers' unions, and funding. The tool most frequently used to make parents think long and hard about removing their children from public schools is criticism of homeschooling children's [...]

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