Posts Tagged ‘Linda Dobson’
Awesome Lists for Homeschooling Families
Awesome Lists for Homeschooling Families BY LINDA DOBSON In today's wired world, there are so many resources available for homeschooling families and others who appreciate fun learning opportunities outside the schoolhouse walls that a parent could spend so much time looking for resources that there's no time left for the fun! In the [...]
Homeschooling Critics Alive and Well
Homeschooling Critics Alive and Well BY LINDA DOBSON Thank goodness homeschooling critics don't get my goat like they used to. Now that I've had time to look back and reflect on what can only be called uninformed blathering, I can understand how folks were critical back in the 1980s when homeschooling was a new concept, and many of the critics [...]
Moms Who Saved Their Children’s Childhoods (And You Can, Too!)
Moms Who Saved Their Children’s Childhoods (And You Can, Too!) BY LINDA DOBSON When our family celebrated my three children’s birthdays as they grew – especially the two birthdays just two weeks apart and just one week before Halloween – we enjoyed busy times. But as hectic as things grew, I always gave myself an additional [...]
A Good Education PRESERVES Your Child
A Good Education PRESERVES Your Child BY LINDA DOBSON All too often, when parents think about their children “being educated,” their thoughts travel toward, “Who can best do this thing (education) to my children?” If said parents are thorough and wise, they consider all of the many alternatives available to families today, from [...]
Trust the Most Powerful Tool Nature Has Provided Parents
Trust the Most Powerful Tool Nature Has Provided Parents BY LINDA DOBSON My e-mailbox overfloweth. There is no question anymore that a significant number of parents are questioning what's going on in public schools today. More importantly, they are searching the Internet for information and resources, and reaching out to anyone they think [...]