Posts Tagged ‘John Taylor Gatto’
John Taylor Gatto Answers: Can I Teach My Own Children If I Don’t Have Any Teacher Training?
John Taylor Gatto Answers: Can I Teach My Own Children If I Don't Have Any Teacher Training? BY JOHN TAYLOR GATTO Teacher training is not about assisting a mind and character to develop according to the principles of its own internal genius. Let me reverse that question. Can you teach your own children if you do have teacher training, [...]
Homeschooling: Do I Need to Use Textbooks?
Homeschooling: Do I Need to Use Textbooks? BY JOHN TAYLOR GATTO You need to use texts, and the best ones available, because they are the cheapest, most reliable way your children can come to grips with the whole range of human intellect, and how different minds see the world, develop their arguments, and reach their conclusions. Notice I've [...]
Early Warnings about Today’s Education Crisis
EARLY WARNINGS about Today's Education Crisis By Linda Dobson The warnings about education you are about to read were gathered in 1994 in preparation for The Art of Education, a book released in 1995. Education has not been fixed. Will you stand up to be part of the solution today? Time is running out. I can't help thinking of the Venetian [...]
The 4 Crucial Responsibilities to Accept Before Education Can Occur: Part 3
The 4 Crucial Responsibilities to Accept Before Education Can Occur: Part 3 By John Gatto 5. If Good and Evil are the first responsibility that has to be accepted, the second is the necessity of work. I stress "necessity" because it is independent of personal wealth, cleverness, or genius. Education doesn't just happen, not even to the [...]
The 4 Crucial Responsibilities to Accept Before Education Can Occur: Part 2
The 4 Crucial Responsibilities to Accept Before Education Can Occur Part 2 By John Taylor Gatto 3. What I learned from watching kids for thirty years is that it's almost impossible to know your true self without knowing deeply your parents' true selves at the same time. No one can really live easily without insight into our parents, and [...]