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Tuesday January 14th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘how to start homeschooling’

Nation Moving Toward More Standardization of School Policy

Nation Moving Toward More Standardization of School Policy By Linda Dobson Sometimes, education news makes me cringe, and this announcement titled "States Considering Bills that Would Make Kids Repeat Third Grade for Failing Reading Tests," more standardization of school policy, is one of those times. So far, Oklahoma, Arizona and [...]

Lifeboats: What Homeschooling Advocacy Means to Me

Lifeboats: What Homeschooling Advocacy Means to Me By Linda Dobson I never set out to become a homeschooling advocate, though that is what I'm often called. As I watched three young hearts and minds blossom in an educational experience antithetical to my own, it was impossible to keep the discovery - the joy, the love, the obvious [...]

The Hidden Harm of Children’s Stress

The Hidden Harm of Children's Stress By Linda Dobson The hidden harm of children's stress is a topic worthy of lots more attention. A lot of parents realize that today's focus on standardized test scores hurts their children because they can see the loss of exercise, the amount of learning that's falling by the wayside to concentrate on [...]

Weirdest Homeschooling Laws

Weirdest Homeschooling Laws Throwing a little bit of fun at you on a Monday, here are the "weirdest homeschooling laws" as compiled by Kathleen Iuzzolino, co-host of Kaleidoscapes discussion board for home educators and used with her kind permission in The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child: Your Complete Guide to Getting Off to the Right [...]

Are You an Accidental Homeschooler?

Are You an Accidental Homeschooler?  Please join me in a big ol' Parent at the Helm welcome to our newest sponsor, Time4Learning, helping to keep informative PATH posts in your homeschooler e-mail box or on your Facebook page throughout the seasons. We're happy to share this guest post by Nela Prado! By Nela Prado Even before they have [...]

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