Posts Tagged ‘how to homeschool’
Homeschooling: What Happens When Your Child Is Freed of the Degrading Grading Experience?
Homeschooling: What Happens When Your Child Is Freed of the Degrading Grading Experience? By Linda Dobson OK, it's bad enough that school's myopic attention to the intellect creates damaging imbalance. But insult is added to injury when they place an extraneous value on your child's work; a value which routinely considers only the end [...]
A Simple Truth that Changes Everything: Learning Happens All the Time
A Simple Truth that Changes Everything: Learning Happens All the Time By Linda Dobson We hear it constantly, first from educators and, more recently, from politicians who have latched on to education as a "hot button" issue: We need to get children ready to learn. Some parents have discovered there's nothing one can do about children [...]
Homeschooling: Build Your Child’s Brain by Expanding Experience
Homeschooling: Build Your Child's Brain by Expanding Experience By Linda Dobson I always thought one of the biggest bummers of school attendance was the drudgery, the same ol' thing every single day, and one of the (many) reasons our family chose homeschooling was to spare our children the boredom of drudgery. Once free, our family, like [...]
Homeschooling: Children Need Activity – and Nothingness – for Their Own Sake
Homeschooling: Children Need Activity - and Nothingness - for Their Own Sake By Linda Dobson Many homeschooling families have learned that academic success follows large doses of activity with no ulterior motive, that is, doing something for the sheer joy of the doing, period. For most children, sheer joy doesn't come from doing worksheets [...]
Create Quality Experience for Your Child
Create Quality Experience for Your Child By Linda Dobson Scientists have confirmed what anyone who has ever watched a child grow already knows: Nature and nurture are inextricably intertwined. Nurture is that which the environment contributes to the whole that is any of us. The environment includes the influence of home and family and [...]