Posts Tagged ‘how to homeschool’
Why You Should Start Throwing, er, Juggling Things
Why You Should Start Throwing, er, Juggling Things There are at least 8 reasons you should start throwing things. By Laura Grace Weldon 1. Juggling boosts brain development. Research indicates that learning to juggle accelerates the growth of neural connections related to memory, focus, movement, and vision. The beneficial changes persist [...]
What If…
What If... By Linda Dobson What if we practiced the Golden Rule with children...all children? What if adults stopped trying to change each child's essence to make him fit into a quite confining mold of sameness as all others? What if our schools actually educated children, instead of programming them? What if we saved grading for eggs [...]
Imagine a Homeschooling Day
Imagine a Homeschooling Day Part 1 of 2 By Linda Dobson Would that this institution - or some institution - could become the University of Utopia. What will it be like? It will be the most enlightened institution of higher learning in the world today...Its only purpose is to educate. What a radically novel idea for an institution of higher [...]
They Call It A Grassroots Education Revolution: That’s Funny
They Call It A Grassroots Education Revolution: That's Funny By Linda Dobson They're calling it a grassroots education revolution, probably to get you all excited. But I'll let you in on a secret. It isn't a revolution at all. In fact, their "grassroots education revolution" has been in practice so long now I have friends whose children [...]
Homeschooling Resources: Seedballs!
Homeschooling Resources: Seedballs! By Becky Rupp Barbara Cooney’s Miss Rumphius (Puffin, 1985) is surely one of the most beautiful children’s picture books of all time. As a little girl, the main character, Alice – who grows up to be Miss Rumphius – has two ambitions: she wants to travel the world and do [...]