Posts Tagged ‘how to homeschool’
John Taylor Gatto Answers: Can I Teach My Own Children If I Don’t Have Any Teacher Training?
John Taylor Gatto Answers: Can I Teach My Own Children If I Don't Have Any Teacher Training? BY JOHN TAYLOR GATTO Teacher training is not about assisting a mind and character to develop according to the principles of its own internal genius. Let me reverse that question. Can you teach your own children if you do have teacher training, [...]
Homeschooling: Do I Need to Use Textbooks?
Homeschooling: Do I Need to Use Textbooks? BY JOHN TAYLOR GATTO You need to use texts, and the best ones available, because they are the cheapest, most reliable way your children can come to grips with the whole range of human intellect, and how different minds see the world, develop their arguments, and reach their conclusions. Notice I've [...]
Homeschooling Resources: Electing a President
Homeschooling Resources: Electing a President By Rebecca Rupp Who says you’re too young to vote? Make your voice known! Register online (it’s free) at the National Student Mock Election at and cast your vote for president. Also available at the website are detailed downloadable lesson plans and [...]
Lazy Learning
Lazy Learning by Wendy Priesnitz “Education is hanging around until you’ve caught on.” ~ Robert Frost Few things seem to trouble parents more than the possibility our kids might be lazy. I guess it’s the legacy of that old Puritan Work Ethic – and you don’t have subscribe to any particular religion to suffer from it! Like our [...]
Congrats On Deciding to Homeschool Your Teenager…
Congrats On Deciding to Homeschool Your Teenager... By Judy Aron Picture this…you just pulled your child out of high school or middle school and are now faced with the prospect of really doing homeschool. You’ve thought about this, agonized over this decision and maybe even fought with family over this. Now what are you supposed to [...]