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Saturday February 8th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling’

That Elusive Education Nirvana

That Elusive Education Nirvana By Linda Dobson I guess it sounded like a good idea to somebody back in 2001 when the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) became law and demanded that, by 2014, all U.S. students would be proficient in reading and math. Now that 2014 is relatively right around the corner, those involved in the education system are [...]

‘Til School Do Us Part

'Til School Do Us Part By Linda Dobson My younger son was at bat in a local Little League game one evening when one of quite a few hard, errant pitches struck him on the head, including his eye. Yes, he was wearing a helmet. He fell to the ground. I don't know how long it was that the entire park fell silent, waiting for him to get up, move [...]

Use the Theory of “Flow” In Your Family Learning Plan

Use the Theory of “Flow” In Your Family Learning Plan By Linda Dobson For those skeptics out there who still don’t believe learning can be fun, let me introduce you to Harvard professor Mihaly Csikezentmihalyi or, as I’ve come to know him, “Professor C,” a friend and colleague of Howard Gardner. In his life’s work Professor [...]

Book Review: Don’t Know Much about History

Book Review: Don't Know Much about History By Amanda Werner Amanda Werner provides her thoughts about Parent at the Helm's August Book Giveaway! Honestly, I had not really been thrilled when it was time for me to buckle down in school and learn a thing or two about history. I enjoyed history prior to my third or fourth grade year but [...]

25 Ideas for Enjoying a Relaxed Learning Summer!

25 Ideas for Enjoying a Relaxed Learning Summer! By Linda Dobson Are you a homeschooler who follows a ten-month calendar? Have you grown curious about ditching text books and moving toward a less structured manner of homeschooling? Do you live in a state where the public education process is in an uproar, thinking you might want to skip it all [...]

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