Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling’
Yes, You May Have to Give Up Some THINGS to Homeschool
Yes, You May Have to Give Up Some THINGS to Homeschool By Linda Dobson Every day - I mean, every day - my e-mail box fills with more and more and more horror stories associated with public school attendance. Before I finished this morning's coffee, I saw a video a high school student made of another student getting arrested for taking [...]
For My Son (As He Contemplated Dropping Into High School)
For My Son (As He Contemplated Dropping Into High School) By Linda Dobson When my oldest was toying with the idea of dropping into high school from homeschooling at fourteen years of age, we spent many hours discussing pros and cons. At one point I sat down and wrote out for him the benefits of remaining with homeschooling as I saw them [...]
The Education Pyramid
The Education Pyramid Let not thy learning exceed thy deeds. Mere knowledge is not the goal, but action. ~ Talmudic Axiom By Linda Dobson EDITOR NOTE: The Education Pyramid is, of necessity, a lengthy piece. I don't want to break it up into smaller parts as those who might miss the beginning before stumbling on a later part might be left more [...]
How Can I Be Sure My Child Is Growing Socially without Trained School Personnel Assessing Growth?
How Can I Be Sure My Child Is Growing Socially without Trained School Personnel Assessing Growth? By John Taylor Gatto As you read yet another wisdom nugget from John Taylor Gatto, send out warm thoughts and prayers for his complete and speedy recovery from a recent stroke. We love you, John! How can you be sure you got a good haircut? [...]
Will Social Media Save the First Amendment?
Will Social Media Save the First Amendment? By Linda Dobson Because the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation’s High School Initiative encourages students to use news media and appreciate the First Amendment, it funds the “Future of the First Amendment’’ research project, "focusing on the knowledge and attitudes of high school [...]