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Tuesday January 14th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling’

Feeling Boxed In?

Feeling Boxed In? From box to box, from cradle to grave. It's healthy to step outside the box. Stepping out may even save your sanity one day.  Home birth and homeschooling are great ways out of the box.

Child Abuse Advocates Write and Grow Rich

Child Abuse Advocates Write and Grow Rich By Linda Dobson In early 2010 I covered the deaths of two children at the hands of parents who utilized the child abuse "parenting" methods preached and written by Michael Pearl and his partner in crime, Debi. I was glad to see Salon bring news of the book connected with both deaths to the [...]

We Have What We’ve Educated For – Now What?

We Have What We've Educated For - Now What?  By Linda Dobson “You were not born to desire ‘things’ and consume more rapidly than you can earn money. Consumers are created, programmed with scientific accuracy like Pavlov’s dogs and sold something far more expensive than even the fanciest car you can imagine – the reality of a life [...]

The Learning Curve Radio Program

The Learning Curve Radio Program Earlier this month I had the pleasure of being a guest on The Learning Curve with hosts Roger Boswarva and Virginia Koenig. This WebTalk Radio program is on a mission: The Learning Curve All of life is a Learning Curve. The ability to learn is vital to the success of all of us—particularly our children. But [...]

Teachers Share Phrases They Think Should Be Allowed In the Classroom

Teachers Share Phrases They Think Should Be Allowed In the Classroom By Linda Dobson I'd never heard of this teachers' resource before, but I'm certainly going to remember it now. Claiming to be "the largest network of teachers in the world," this London-based organization says of itself: TSL Education is dedicated to driving up [...]

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