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Saturday February 8th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling’

Are You Prepared for Homeschool Advocacy Season?

Are You Prepared for Homeschool Advocacy Season?  By Linda Dobson To everything there is a season. Florists have Valentine’s Day, oil companies get winter, and homeschool advocates take advantage of “back to school” time. To be ready for homeschooling’s best chance at the spotlight, though, you need to begin thinking about what [...]

Easy Homeschooling Starting Points: Simply Supply the Materials

Easy Homeschooling Starting Points: Simply Supply the Materials By Linda Dobson When a  carpenter  builds,  a  seamstress  sews,  or  an EMT rescues,  day's end brings accomplishment she can see and touch. Not so with your child. After  a  day  of  family  learning  activities,  your  youngster  is  still  the  same size [...]

Where There’s Big Money There Are Big Problems: PA Cyber Charter Schools Get Both

Where There's Big Money There Are Big Problems: PA Cyber Charter Schools Get Both By Linda Dobson "Controversy swirls about cyber schools" blares the Times Leader's headline to a piece written by Terrie Morgan-Besecker in the Education section. (Interestingly, she's dubbed the "Law and Order" reporter.) There are 11 cyber charter schools [...]

Politicians Blame Teachers, Teachers Blame Parents

Politicians Blame Teachers, Teachers Blame Parents By Linda Dobson If you haven't been living under a rock, as a parent you're aware that the political powers are blaming teachers for everything that's wrong with schools today. Thanks to a post in Psychology Today's "Raising Readers, Writers, and Spellers" blog titled "A Lack of Parent [...]

It Costs $30.08 to Educate a Child

It Costs $30.08 to Educate a Child By Linda Dobson I started off this beautiful summer morning by reading a heart-warming story to which I shared a link on Parent at the Helm's Facebook page. It's called simply "Wood Tape," by Scott Nesin. I hope you'll read it, too. Guy Gives Dad an Education Scott, the Dad, tells the story of Guy, four [...]

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