Posts Tagged ‘Homeschooling: The Early Years’
Educational Resources Homeschooling Families Love for 3- to 8-Year-Olds
Educational Resources Homeschooling Families Love for 3- to 8-Year-Olds By Linda Dobson Parent at the Helm shares many posts about how to use materials you already have for some fun learning with your 3- to 8-year-olds. Today, this post reveals a few more items that you don't necessarily already have, but homeschooling families consider [...]
Homeschooling Is a Pathway to Social Opportunity
Homeschooling Is a Pathway to Social Opportunity By Linda Dobson Homeschooling children live, learn and meet people in the real world. Sorry; the image of sheltered children raised as delicate orchids unable to cope with a climate change outside the home is nothing more than a myth homeschooling critics find very convenient, even if difficult [...]
Homeschooling Mom Gone Wild!!!
Homeschooling Mom Gone Wild!!! By Linda Dobson Advertisers' back-to-school hype begins in the middle of summer and continues relentlessly until a community's first school bell rings. Those who choose homeschooling aren't necessarily immune to the hoopla, as Lynn Foster if Indiana, mom to four-year-old Nicholas and five-month-old Adrian, [...]
Homeschooling Baptism by Fire
Homeschooling Baptism by Fire By Linda Dobson Bringing a child home from school, especially under emergency circumstances, can leave you feeling as unprepared for your new "job" as if you just walked into the local hospital and volunteered to perform brain surgery. It happened to Shannon in 1991. "Not to worry" is her sound advice. "I [...]
Find and Support Your Child’s Strengths for Homeschooling Fun and Success
Find and Support Your Child's Strengths for Homeschooling Fun and Success By Linda Dobson A homeschooling child with time and encouragement to follow her interests will drift toward those activities that provide the most pleasure - just as an adult will! Children usually aren't shy about asking to hear a book again (for the fourteenth [...]