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Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling resources’

How to Find a Homeschooling Support Group

How to Find a Homeschooling Support Group BY KATHARINE HOUK Independent, marching to a different drummer, following their hearts and minds, people who have chosen to educate their children at home and in the wider world tend toward self-sufficiency. Some people feel they don't need or want to get together with other homeschooling families on [...]

Moms Who Saved Their Children’s Childhoods (And You Can, Too!)

Moms Who Saved Their Children’s Childhoods (And You Can, Too!) BY LINDA DOBSON When our family celebrated my three children’s birthdays as they grew – especially the two birthdays just two weeks apart and just one week before Halloween – we enjoyed busy times. But as hectic as things grew, I always gave myself an additional [...]

National Women’s History Month: Let’s Hear It for the Girls!

Homeschooling Resources MARCH IS NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH! LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE GIRLS! BY REBECCA RUPP March is National Women’s History Month – all 31 days of it – and luckily there are dozens of wonderful books and resources to go along with it. And, of course, they’re not just for girls. Check out some of [...]

Homeschooling Resources: It’s Soup Month!

Homeschooling Resources: It's Soup Month! BY REBECCA RUPP January is National Soup Month! Check out this list for soup stories, soup poems, historical soup, scientific soup, artistic soup (well, artistic soup cans), and even soup on the silver screen. National Soup Month In Kate Banks’s Alphabet Soup (Dragonfly Books, 1994), a little [...]

6 Reasons to Tell Your Straight-A Kid to Drop Out of School

6 Reasons to Tell Your Straight-A Kid to Drop Out of School BY SUKI WESSLING It was the 1980’s in a small town in in the Midwest. Educationally speaking, you had two options: the good public schools or the pretty awful Catholic school. My parents gave my sister one year with the nuns before they chose public school for her and the four [...]

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