Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling resources’
Ready for Another Homeschooling Blog Carnival?
Ready for Another Homeschooling Blog Carnival? The April 12, 2011, Homeschooling Blog Carnival rests at the Home Grown Mommy site. During your visit you can find links to and enjoy "One of Those Conversations," free geography resources, a diffusion experiment, "The True Confessions of a Homeschooling Mom," and more...much much more. This [...]
70 Super Useful Twitter Hashtags for Homeschoolers
70 Super Useful Twitter Hashtags for Homeschoolers If you’re homeschooling, you may already be using Twitter to keep in touch with friends, family, and other homeschoolers. But did you know that there are so many resources available through the messaging service? By simply following hashtags, you can get connected with discussion groups, [...]
Resources, Resources & a New Children’s Book By Rebecca Rupp!
Resources, Resources & a New Children's Book By Rebecca Rupp! Periodic Table of Videos Anybody taking chemistry? From Britain’s University of Nottingham, the Periodic Table of Videos is a wonderful teaching tool: there’s a short informative (and occasionally hilarious) video for each element, often with experimental demonstrations. [...]
Grandma Linda’s Weekly Words of Wisdom
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) A BIT OF ADDITIONAL WISDOM THIS MORNING... Don't forget to register for the April [...]
They Know How to Balance a Checkbook and Do Their Own Laundry
Yes! Real life homeschooling families comin' at ya from Wisconsin's Lakeland Times.