Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling resources’
The Declaration of Educational Independence
The Declaration of Educational Independence © 1997 EDITOR'S NOTE: Well, here we are, sixteen years after Thomas Jefferson's writing became a template for an educational declaration that has been shared far and wide as the years have rolled past. While I admit it may be a tendency toward optimism, I think today, in 2013, many more [...]
25 Ways to Enjoy a Relaxed Learning Summer
25 Ways to Enjoy a Relaxed Learning Summer BY LINDA DOBSON Are you a homeschooler who follows a ten-month calendar? Have you grown curious about ditching text books and moving toward a less structured manner of homeschooling? Do you live in a state where the public education process is in an uproar, thinking you might want to skip it all and [...]
Is It Time to Loosen the Grip on Your Family’s Time and Minds?
Is It Time to Loosen the Grip on Your Family's Time and Minds? BY LINDA DOBSON We know those who hold the power and the money in today's education system would fear reform that puts children's education ahead of profit, prestige, convenience, and employment security. But what do we, the people, have to be afraid of if government loosens its [...]
A Quick Primer on Beginning Homeschooling
A Quick Primer on Beginning Homeschooling There are many reasons why parents choose to homeschool their children, either by using the services of a private tutor or teaching their children themselves. The law requires all children to receive a "suitable education", but this doesn't mean the national curriculum must be followed. So if a child has [...]
Take Advantage of Homeschooling’s Important Flexibility
Take Advantage of Homeschooling's Important Flexibility BY LINDA DOBSON Homeschooling families blaze unexplored trails every day. Homeschooling. The word conjures up many different images in the minds of those who contemplate it. Some see siblings gathered around the kitchen table as their mother reviews a list of vocabulary [...]