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Saturday February 8th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling lifestyle’

Homeschooling: Like a Breath of Fresh Air

Homeschooling: Like a Breath of Fresh Air  By Linda Dobson It was late afternoon, and I had to step out back for a couple of minutes, subconsciously bracing for the wall of humidity that, on its worst days, hits like a sudden stop at a brick wall. Today was one of those worst days. Contrary to the popular wisdom of moving slowly as a coping [...]

“Summer Get Together” Edition of Homeschooling Blog Carnival Available

Judy Aron, who plays hostess to this week's Homeschooling Blog Carnival at "Consent of the Governed," is right. "Well, Summer always includes get-togethers with friends... Let's see where our friends are gathering and what they are talking about today." And then a wonderful array of homeschooling blog posts becomes available to you! Whether [...]

Wow. Global University Extends the Reach of Higher Education

The edupunk movement recently moved up a notch with the entrance of the world's first global tuition-free online university. University of the People (UoPeople) is a non-profit venture—supported by the United Nations—that embraces the worldwide reach of the internet and dropping technology costs to bring higher education to people who [...]

Homeschooling: The Gift That Keeps Giving

Number one grandchild, Emily, has in the blink of an eye reached that dubious milestone known as "school aged," and yet her homeschooling continues. You can imagine this Grandma's mental cartwheels, thrilled that what I consider the gift of homeschooling is still giving within my family after all these years. And you can imagine how, er, [...]

Strong Families

Here's a "blast from the past" that I just ran across, and thought you might like it, too. It's Ann Lahrson Fisher's contribution to What the Rest of Us Can Learn from Homeschooling, published by Three Rivers Press in 2003, when I asked if she could provide a bit of advice to parents whose children are in school but who want to benefit from the [...]

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