Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling help’
Homeschooling Resources: Trains!
Homeschooling Resources: Trains! BY REBECCA RUPP EDITOR'S NOTE: May 11, 2013, was officially NATIONAL TRAIN DAY. But despite the fact that I slept through knowledge of it on the special day, I know that the following list of resources is too useful and brimming with resources your children will love to keep under wraps for another whole year - [...]
Homeschooling Resources: Electing a President
Homeschooling Resources: Electing a President By Rebecca Rupp Who says you’re too young to vote? Make your voice known! Register online (it’s free) at the National Student Mock Election at and cast your vote for president. Also available at the website are detailed downloadable lesson plans and [...]
Congrats On Deciding to Homeschool Your Teenager…
Congrats On Deciding to Homeschool Your Teenager... By Judy Aron Picture this…you just pulled your child out of high school or middle school and are now faced with the prospect of really doing homeschool. You’ve thought about this, agonized over this decision and maybe even fought with family over this. Now what are you supposed to [...]
Why You Should Start Throwing, er, Juggling Things
Why You Should Start Throwing, er, Juggling Things There are at least 8 reasons you should start throwing things. By Laura Grace Weldon 1. Juggling boosts brain development. Research indicates that learning to juggle accelerates the growth of neural connections related to memory, focus, movement, and vision. The beneficial changes persist [...]
Fun Theory
Fun Theory By Laura Grace Weldon I’m not aware of any official Fun Theory in the field of learning. But fun shimmers under the surface of motivation and focus like a very big fish. And the fish named Fun shouldn’t be ignored. I lifted the term Fun Theory from a Volkswagen campaign. Their videos have spread across the Internet. One shows [...]