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Saturday February 8th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘homeschooling books’

6 Reasons to Tell Your Straight-A Kid to Drop Out of School

6 Reasons to Tell Your Straight-A Kid to Drop Out of School BY SUKI WESSLING It was the 1980’s in a small town in in the Midwest. Educationally speaking, you had two options: the good public schools or the pretty awful Catholic school. My parents gave my sister one year with the nuns before they chose public school for her and the four [...]

Five FREE Ways to Improve Children’s Education

BY LINDA DOBSON 5 Free Ways to Improve Children's Education 1. Get rid of tests. But how do we know if they're learning anything? Talk to them, you know, like they're real human beings. 2. Let children learn the basics (reading, writing, basic arithmetic) by reading real books, writing for real purposes, and calculating for a [...]

What Do Homeschooling Parents Do When the Nest Is Empty?

What Do Homeschooling Parents Do When the Nest Is Empty? BY LINDA DOBSON Over the years I've done my best to stay in touch with the many homeschooling moms and dads I've have the privilege to meet throughout the years of traveling to homeschooling conferences and working with many of them. I thought it would be fun to go through my Facebook [...]

John Taylor Gatto Answers: Can I Teach My Own Children If I Don’t Have Any Teacher Training?

John Taylor Gatto Answers: Can I Teach My Own Children If I Don't Have Any Teacher Training? BY JOHN TAYLOR GATTO Teacher training is not about assisting a mind and character to develop according to the principles of its own internal genius. Let me reverse that question. Can you teach your own children if you do have teacher training, [...]

Homeschooling Resources: Studying Squirrels

Homeschooling Resources: Studying Squirrels BY REBECCA RUPP             October not only features Columbus Day, Leif Erikson Day, Pablo Picasso’s birthday, and Halloween – it’s SQUIRREL AWARENESS MONTH! Become a citizen squirrel scientist! Project Squirrel at wants volunteers of all ages from [...]

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