Posts Tagged ‘homeschool’
Latest Homeschooling Blog Carnival – The Wish List Edition
Latest Homeschooling Blog Carnival - The Wish List Edition Where will you find some of the best reading about homeschooling on the Internet? Why, it's the newest Homeschooling Blog Carnival - The Wish List Edition, hosted this week at Renae Deckard's "Life Nurturing Education." Homeschooling Blog Carnival - The Wish List Edition The Wish List [...]
Two Studies Help Us Understand How Children Learn
Two Studies Help Us Understand How Children Learn By Linda Dobson With all the talk about school-related money and budget shortfalls and teachers unions and education reform and school closings and teachers' arrests, what's more important - and what's never addressed - is helping people understand how children learn. Given that all this talk [...]
Do You Believe In Genius?
Do You Believe In Genius? Many parents of the approximately forty-seven million school-aged children in America today have long assumed that everything educationally necessary was occurring in the classroom. Many also dream their children will grow as “geniuses,” ultimately contributing to society something wonderful and useful. At the same [...]
It’s Time to Leave the Government Schools
It's Time to Leave the Government Schools By Linda Dobson The education news headlines speak for themselves about the state of America's schools today, so I'm just going to collect them in one handy spot for your consideration. These problems, they're just beginning. If you choose to homeschool, you can bypass it all and give your child an [...]
Parent at the Helm’s March Book Giveaway!
Parent at the Helm’s March Book Giveaway! Carschooling® By Diane Flynn Keith 360 Pages Packed with Over 350 Entertaining Games & Activities to Turn Travel Time into Learning Time Take the whine out of drive time with this collection of innovative, fun, and educational car games! In the book [...]