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Posts Tagged ‘homeschool’

HOMESCHOOLING RESOURCES: September is National Chicken Month!

Homeschooling Resources: September is National Chicken Month! Homeschooling resource queen Rebecca Rupp makes sure you won't run out of fun, educational reading and activities during September, National Chicken Month. By Rebecca Rupp Tillie, of Terry Golson’s Tillie Lays an Egg (Scholastic, 2009) lives with six other hens in the henhouse [...]

The Twilight Zone of Education Doublespeak

The Twilight Zone of Education Doublespeak By Linda Dobson Through conversations with friends, I know I'm not alone in feeling as if the world has turned into "The Twilight Zone" where nothing seems "right," whether it be politics, education, natural disasters, war, inflation, unemployment...well, you get the idea. Nothing, [...]

DON’T Focus on the Learning!

Don’t Focus on the Learning By Linda Dobson One of the most surprising discoveries for new learning coaches is how much children learn when the adults don’t focus on the learning! They find that when it comes to learning, less is more. Less pressure, more fun. Less scheduling, more free time. Success, in its many forms, results not by [...]

Public School Budget Woes for Families, As Test Publisher Makes Out Like a Bandit

Public School Budget Woes for Families, As Test Publisher Makes Out Like a Bandit By Linda Dobson As anyone who has toiled over a budget knows, it's really all about priorities. One must find money for purchases essential to the goal (typically survival when dealing with a family budget), which most often means doing without those things [...]

A List of Top Lists of Awesomeness for Homeschooling Families

A List of Top Lists of Awesomeness for Homeschooling Families By Linda Dobson In today's wired world, there are so many resources available for families who homeschool or otherwise appreciate fun learning opportunities outside the schoolhouse walls that a parent could spend so much time looking for resources that there's no time left for [...]

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