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Monday September 16th 2024

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Posts Tagged ‘homeschool resources’

When a Nation’s Head of Education Chooses Homeschooling, It Hits the Fan

When a Nation's Head of Education Chooses Homeschooling, It Hits the Fan By Linda Dobson I became aware of Prime Minister - and Education Minister - Holness' decision to homeschool last week when a friend in Jamaica contacted me. She let me know she had loaned Prime Minister Holness one of my books. She said he still hasn't returned it [...]

Thanksgiving Break from Homeschooling

Thanksgiving Break from Homeschooling By Linda Dobson We queried the entire Parent at the Helm staff {g}, and the overwhelming desire of all is to take a brief Thanksgiving break from homeschooling so we have time to focus on a few very important tasks in a different direction. Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, we'll be back in the [...]

School Provides Same Lessons It Was Important for Today’s Adults to Get

School Provides Same Lessons  It  Was  Important  for  Today's  Adults  to  Get By Linda Dobson A neighbor  called  one  morning,  frantic  because  her  day  required  a couple  of  long  distance  trips  to  get  several  family  members  to  necessary doctor appointments. No matter how she figured her time [...]

SPECIAL: Why You Should Say Yes If Your Child Asks to Be Homeschooled

SPECIAL: Why You Should Say Yes If Your Child Asks to Be Homeschooled By Linda Dobson The Associated Press news report that follows is 18 years-old...18 years-old. Two Madison, Wisconsin boys, ages 10 and 13, died of gunshots. Their mother said they evidently sneaked out of the house and killed themselves rather than go to school. She said [...]

It’s Only Natural that Kids Hate Schooling

It's Only Natural that Kids Hate Schooling By Linda Dobson On the heels of Dr. Peter Gray's blog post about the evolutionary roots of children protesting going to bed alone in the dark, he shares with us "Why Children Protest Going to School: More Evolutionary Mismatch." Basically, according to Gray's post: "Most children in our society [...]

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