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Tuesday February 18th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘Home Education Magazine’

But We’re Not Done for the Year!

But We're Not Done for the Year! Veteran homeschooling mom Valerie Bonham Moon has long served the homeschooling community with her work at The Military Homeschooler, Happy as Kings, contributions to Home Education Magazine, and much more. Please join me in welcoming Valerie to Parent at the Helm with this very timely and wise advice for [...]

Homeschooling: The Greatest Learning Journey You’ll Ever Take

Homeschooling: The Greatest Learning Journey You'll Ever Take By Linda Dobson Homeschooling. The word conjures up many different images in the minds of those who contemplate it. Some see siblings gathered around the kitchen table as their mother reviews a list of vocabulary words prior to a test. Others envision the families they bump [...]

How Homeschooling Is Like the Frog in the Toilet

How Homeschooling Is Like the Frog in the Toilet By Linda Dobson I was home alone, and it was time to get ready for bed. As I approached the bathroom, only dimly lit by soft lamp light outside the room, I saw the outline of something in the sink. Curious because I knew I hadn’t left anything in there, I drew closer, stopping in my [...]

What I Learned as a Homeschooling Parent: Mark and Helen Hegener

What I Learned as a Homeschooling Parent: Mark and Helen Hegener Today, Parent at the Helm is thrilled to share with you one more answer to "What do parents learn from the homeschooling experience?" This answer comes from a couple who has done much to support and encourage the growth of homeschooling across the country and even around the [...]

Homeschooling Is a Gift that Keeps Giving

Homeschooling Is a Gift that Keeps Giving  By Linda Dobson Number one grandchild, Emily, has in the blink of an eye reached that dubious milestone known as “school aged,” and yet her homeschooling continues. You can imagine this Grandma’s mental cartwheels, thrilled that what I consider the gift of homeschooling is still giving within [...]

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