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Tuesday February 18th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘Facebook’

6 Reasons States Shouldn’t Balance Budgets with a Carrot to Homeschool

6 Reasons States Shouldn't Balance Budgets with a Carrot to Homeschool By Linda Dobson Well, it looks like the "Homeschoolers Against Tax Credits" page on Facebook was set up just in the knick of time. The page is a place to share information for families that homeschool (or support homeschooling) who know that taking bait from the state is a [...]

Think Parent at the Helm When Buying Holiday Gifts

Welcome to Shop&Support! Where Parent at the Helm Gathers Great Deals for YOU and Support for Parent at the Helm Since the 1980′s, I’ve loved supporting and watching this community of engaged, informed parents grow. This is my home, where my heart wants to be. I would love to continue “doing what I love,” but at this point, “the [...]

Grandma Linda’s Weekly Words of Wisdom

I've been reading about the ill effects of chocolate and alcohol so I have decided to give up reading. ~ Facebook Status Shuffle via Stephanie Rebel Waldron

Public Schools In Crisis: Will Children Be Victims of A Failing Economy Today AND Tomorrow?

I'm sorry - when I read stories about the economy getting better, I just don't believe them. There's a man who stands sweltering in the hot sun, holding up his "Jobless, please help" sign near the entrance to the interstate every day. There is at least one Facebook friend daily announcing they, too, have become a worried statistic. There is the [...]

Historic Homeschooling Magazine Giveaway Ends June 14!

Truly a Once in a LIFETIME Opportunity! Historic Homeschooling Magazine Giveaway Ends June 14! I have for many years and several moves hung on to "things" because, I thought, one day - when I am old and wise, rich and famous - I will create a homeschooling museum. My collection of things, of course, would become part of it. While I [...]

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