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Posts Tagged ‘Consent of the Governed’

Congrats On Deciding to Homeschool Your Teenager…

Congrats On Deciding to Homeschool Your Teenager... By Judy Aron Picture this…you just pulled your child out of high school or middle school and are now faced with the prospect of really doing homeschool. You’ve thought about this, agonized over this decision and maybe even fought with family over this. Now what are you supposed to [...]

Homeschooling Blog Carnival: The Homeschool Journey Edition

Homeschooling Blog Carnival: The Homeschool Journey Edition Did you realize you were in for a homeschooling treat for your eyes and mind when you woke up this morning? Well, thanks to Judy Aron at "Consent of the Governed," you've got one in this week's Homeschooling Blog Carnival: The Homeschool Journey Edition. As a veteran homeschooling [...]

“Summer Get Together” Edition of Homeschooling Blog Carnival Available

Judy Aron, who plays hostess to this week's Homeschooling Blog Carnival at "Consent of the Governed," is right. "Well, Summer always includes get-togethers with friends... Let's see where our friends are gathering and what they are talking about today." And then a wonderful array of homeschooling blog posts becomes available to you! Whether [...]

Three Important Practices for All Parents

Please join me in welcoming Judy Aron to Parent at the Helm with what I hope is the first of many opportunities to garner information and knowledge from a longtime homeschooling advocate. I was fortunate to meet Judy in her home state of Connecticut many years ago, before her terrific kids grew up and took off on their life adventures. Judy played [...]