Posts Tagged ‘book giveaways’
Parent at the Helm’s March Book Giveaway!
Parent at the Helm’s March Book Giveaway! Carschooling® By Diane Flynn Keith 360 Pages Packed with Over 350 Entertaining Games & Activities to Turn Travel Time into Learning Time Take the whine out of drive time with this collection of innovative, fun, and educational car games! In the book [...]
Parent at the Helm’s 2011 Most Wanted List
Happy New Year 2011! We surely hope your holidays were terrific and left you ready to rock 'n roll in the new year. I took a bit of my R&R time to organize all those things that have been rolling around in the back of my head with regard to Parent at the Helm, and I figured the best thing to do was put out a "Most Wanted List" for you to [...]