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Saturday February 8th 2025

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Posts Tagged ‘Beverley Paine’

Homeschooling and Time for Me

Homeschooling and Time for Me BY BEVERLEY PAINE Investing time into my children was the best self-investment I ever made. Encouraging my children to develop a life of their own based on their needs and wants and working efficiently and effectively to meet those needs meant I naturally focused on my own. I had to be the role model they needed [...]

Homeschool Australia on The Art of Education

Homeschool Australia on The Art of Education By Beverley Paine My life’s passion is summed up in Linda Dobson’s opening to her anniversary edition of The Art of Education: “I’m forever a homeschool advocate, because I know life and learning beyond the confines of school make for happier, healthier, saner adults with a strong sense [...]

15th Anniversary Edition of *The Art of Education* Available July 4th

15th Anniversary Edition of The Art of Education Available July 4th After letting it collect dust on the bookshelf, about a year ago I had cause to re-read a good portion of The Art of Education: Reclaiming Your Family, Community and Self. This was my first book. In it, I did my best to say everything I wanted to say because, admittedly, I [...]