Your Family's Incredible Lifestyle Begins HERE – With Homeschooling
Friday January 3rd 2025

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Books By Linda Dobson ArtofEdCover Books By Linda Dobson learning-coach-approach

Consult with Linda


Overwhelmed? Confused? Nervous?

“This was a life-saver and exactly what I was looking for. A little hand-holding and concise information that is not overwhelming. Once again, thank you, Linda!”   ~ A very satisfied client
Thank you so much for your quick response!  The emergency information you have given me has helped tremendously. I truly would like to thank you for your support. ~ Carmen



Need a jump start? A new direction? A fresh perspective?

“My kids are grown and we are finished with homeschooling, but if I needed homeschooling advice, encouragement, insight, experience and warmth on my side, I would definitely consult with Linda Dobson. She is awesome!”  ~Shay Seaborne



Big, small, or in-between?

“Your writings were among the first I read when I was contemplating home education. My son has SPD and I was going to home educate for one year at a time. (He was 3 then, so that was 7 years ago.) Your writing and the resources you recommended then helped me to make the decision to commit to home educate long term. We now home educate his younger sister as well. I have gained confidence as a mother over the years because of your presence in the parenting community. Thank you so much!”  ~ Leslie


Homeschool veteran and author Linda Dobson knows about all kinds of

homeschooling life rafts and offers timely support you need for smooth sailing



Linda Dobson


Phone and E-Mail Consulting

Linda Dobson Helps You EASILY

Get Started Homeschooling!

Linda Dobson, well-traveled homeschooling speaker and author of multiple homeschooling books that include the classics The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child, The Homeschooling Book of Answers, and The Ultimate Book of Homeschooling Ideas, was an early practitioner of homeschooling. She has since become one of homeschooling’s most ardent advocates for over twenty years.

A homeschooling pioneer who helped create local, state and national support groups while she learned at home with her three children, Linda has long provided homeschooling families with short-term consulting services by telephone. It’s short-term because Linda’s “big picture” view allows her to get to the heart of your homeschooling challenge quickly; her understanding helps you get to solutions equally fast.


family consulting

Homeschoolers and their families are as unique as fingerprints, with meaningful goals, lifestyles, values, homeschooling style and much more. All of the life aspects important to your family are incorporated as we seek solutions to your family’s challenges.


Father and child consulting

Linda’s input isn’t just based on decades of personal homeschooling and being in touch with homeschoolers across the country and around the world. She’s also sensitive to the value of your time and budget, so recommendations are held to the standard of no- and low-cost solutions that are easy to implement.



Children consulting

Homeschooling is different than schooling!
This can (often does!) cause confusion when you’re just starting, and can cause a lack of confidence
if you’ve started and don’t feel your family is successful and all of the benefits are just out of your reach.
You are not alone!
A small change of perspective, however, can take you and your children from confused to confident to success!

Budget conscious, 45-minute consulting sessions now available by phone.

A 45-minute
personal call with Linda

(3) 45-minute
personal calls within one month

A personal e-mail w/
targeted solutions from Linda

It’s Easy to Get Started!

Please send e-mail to:

Include in Your Subject Line: Consulting

Please include a brief note letting us know the age(s) of your child(ren), where you’re located,

and what’s on your mind. Issues Linda helps families with include:


  • Family getting stressed
  • How to begin your homeschooling journey
  • Learning resources to use
  • Learning activities to get started
  • Building your support system
  • Children burned out on learning
  • And much much more


Just contact Linda today

Send e-mail to:

Include in Your Subject Line: Consulting


Copy the code below to your web site.

Reader Feedback

3 Responses to “Consult with Linda”

  1. […] Linda Dobson certainly knows how to homeschool, she talks about it, writes about it, blogs about it and teaches families how to enjoy and thrive through the homeschooling lifestyle. She and her family began their journey in 1985 and she served as The National Home Education Network‘s first public relations advisor in 1999. Join us on Friday as we talk about Linda’s calling to be a public speaker and her new website, Parent at the […]

  2. March 2011 says:

    […] Linda Dobson certainly knows how to homeschool, she talks about it, writes about it, blogs about it and teaches families how to enjoy and thrive through the homeschooling lifestyle. She and her family began their journey in 1985 and she served as The National Home Education Network‘s first public relations advisor in 1999. Join us on Friday as we talk about Linda’s calling to be a public speaker and her new website, Parent at the […]

  3. […] Linda Dobson certainly knows how to homeschool, she talks about it, writes about it, blogs about it and teaches families how to enjoy and thrive through the homeschooling lifestyle. She and her family began their journey in 1985 and she served as The National Home Education Network‘s first public relations advisor in 1999. Join us on Friday as we talk about Linda’s calling to be a public speaker and her new website, Parent at the […]

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