These Six Scientist Traits Will Help Your Homeschooling
These Six Scientist Traits Will Help Your Homeschooling By Linda Dobson Homeschooling is an on-going experiment in which individual families try different methods, resources, schedules, locations, mentors, and heaven knows what else in an ongoing journey toward the best education for each individual child. Since homeschooling is like [...]
Great Books for Parents to Find Under the Tree
Great Books for Parents to Find Under the Tree By Linda Dobson If you still haven't gotten your Christmas gift wish list together - and you'd like to learn a bit more about how children learn and homeschooling - here's a short list of possibilities for your list, in no particular order of importance...just plain ol' (and in some cases, pretty [...]
Feeling Boxed In?
Feeling Boxed In? From box to box, from cradle to grave. It's healthy to step outside the box. Stepping out may even save your sanity one day. Â Home birth and homeschooling are great ways out of the box.
The Happy Home Education Glossary
The Happy Home Education Glossary By Linda Dobson As with all professions, educators have their own lingo. Here for your handy referral is every homeschooling family's "Home Education Glossary." You might also find it helpful to provide to extended family members, neighbors and friends who support your home education efforts. Have several [...]
The Learning Curve Radio Program
The Learning Curve Radio Program Earlier this month I had the pleasure of being a guest on The Learning Curve with hosts Roger Boswarva and Virginia Koenig. This WebTalk Radio program is on a mission: The Learning Curve All of life is a Learning Curve. The ability to learn is vital to the success of all of us—particularly our children. But [...]