Yes You Can Turn to Homeschooling Temporarily
Yes You Can Turn to Homeschooling Temporarily By Linda Dobson It's all happened at least once before. Some families see homeschooling as a temporary endeavor, merely a stopgap measure intended to help a child prepare for more schooling in the future, to provide a break from undue peer pressure, or even to give a younger child time to [...]
Homeschooling Mom Gone Wild!!!
Homeschooling Mom Gone Wild!!! By Linda Dobson Advertisers' back-to-school hype begins in the middle of summer and continues relentlessly until a community's first school bell rings. Those who choose homeschooling aren't necessarily immune to the hoopla, as Lynn Foster if Indiana, mom to four-year-old Nicholas and five-month-old Adrian, [...]
Homeschooling Baptism by Fire
Homeschooling Baptism by Fire By Linda Dobson Bringing a child home from school, especially under emergency circumstances, can leave you feeling as unprepared for your new "job" as if you just walked into the local hospital and volunteered to perform brain surgery. It happened to Shannon in 1991. "Not to worry" is her sound advice. "I [...]
What I Learned as a Homeschooling Parent: Mark and Helen Hegener
What I Learned as a Homeschooling Parent: Mark and Helen Hegener Today, Parent at the Helm is thrilled to share with you one more answer to "What do parents learn from the homeschooling experience?" This answer comes from a couple who has done much to support and encourage the growth of homeschooling across the country and even around the [...]
What I Learned as a Homeschooling Parent: Rebecca Rupp, Mary Griffith
What I Learned as a Homeschooling Parent: Rebecca Rupp, Mary Griffith As promised, today we continue with sharing the wisdom of two more veteran homeschooling moms who have written books that have helped countless homeschooling families enjoy learning at home. Here they share their answer to "What have homeschooling parents learned from the [...]