Your Family's Incredible Lifestyle Begins HERE – With Homeschooling
Saturday February 8th 2025

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Books By Linda Dobson ArtofEdCover Books By Linda Dobson learning-coach-approach


Homeschooling: The Greatest Learning Journey You’ll Ever Take

Homeschooling: The Greatest Learning Journey You'll Ever Take By Linda Dobson Homeschooling. The word conjures up many different images in the minds of those who contemplate it. Some see siblings gathered around the kitchen table as their mother reviews a list of vocabulary words prior to a test. Others envision the families they bump [...]

Imagine a Homeschooling Day: Part 2 of 2

Imagine a Homeschooling Day Part 2 of 2 By Linda Dobson Picking up from yesterday: "Since you are out and about, you decide to stop at the grocery store." You check your wallet and tell your son you have $20 to spend. He pulls out paper and pencil, and the two of you brainstorm the best way to spend the money based on your collective memories [...]

Imagine a Homeschooling Day

Imagine a Homeschooling Day Part 1 of 2 By Linda Dobson Would that this institution - or some institution - could become the University of Utopia. What will it be like? It will be the most enlightened institution of higher learning in the world today...Its only purpose is to educate. What a radically novel idea for an institution of higher [...]

Revisiting YOUR School Memories Helps You Help Your Child Learn

Revisiting YOUR School Memories Helps You Help Your Child Learn By Linda Dobson The older we get, the better a backward look on childhood becomes. The more distant childhood becomes, the more school memories resemble professional photographs of pretty girls - fuzzy and "touched up." You remember the prom, the football games you won, the [...]

Homeschooling Is a Pathway to Social Opportunity

Homeschooling Is a Pathway to Social Opportunity By Linda Dobson Homeschooling children live, learn and meet people in the real world. Sorry; the image of sheltered children raised as delicate orchids unable to cope with a climate change outside the home is nothing more than a myth homeschooling critics find very convenient, even if difficult [...]

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