Tips to Help Your Homeschooled Child Through the Back-to-School Hype
Tips to Help Your Homeschooled Child Through the Back-to-School Hype By Sue Patterson Let a veteran homeschooler mom help you help your children enjoy missing the back-to-school hype. You can't miss it. "Back to School" ads. "School Clothes" shopping. Even conversations among complete strangers who run into each other at the grocery store, [...]
So Many Homeschooling Styles My Head Is Spinning!
New to Homeschooling? So Many Homeschooling Styles My Head Is Spinning! By Judith Waite Allee You can combine methods and materials in any way that works for your family. There seems to be a homeschooling continuum. On one end are families who "unschool," learning through living and encouraging a child's interests and passions rather than [...]
Fun Theory
Fun Theory By Laura Grace Weldon I’m not aware of any official Fun Theory in the field of learning. But fun shimmers under the surface of motivation and focus like a very big fish. And the fish named Fun shouldn’t be ignored. I lifted the term Fun Theory from a Volkswagen campaign. Their videos have spread across the Internet. One shows [...]
Early Warnings about Today’s Education Crisis
EARLY WARNINGS about Today's Education Crisis By Linda Dobson The warnings about education you are about to read were gathered in 1994 in preparation for The Art of Education, a book released in 1995. Education has not been fixed. Will you stand up to be part of the solution today? Time is running out. I can't help thinking of the Venetian [...]
Why Are We Afraid Of Switching to Homeschooling??
Why Are We Afraid Of Switching to Homeschooling? By Linda Dobson We know those who hold the power and the money in today's education system would fear reform that puts children's education ahead of profit, prestige, convenience, and employment security. But what do we, the people, have to be afraid of if government loosens its monopolistic [...]