They Want The Babies By Judy Aron
By Judy Aron At a recent awards dinner, held in Stamford, CT, and attended by 230 educators, corporate executives and civic figures, people were stunned when the recipient of an award from the Childcare Learning Centers of Stamford, paraphrased Adolf Hitler. Yes, you heard me right. And you know what? There is a war going on over our [...]
Healthy Perfectionism By Theresa Willingham
Healthy Perfectionism By Theresa Willingham I had all these notions when my kids were born; ideas about equitable, gender neutral, compassionate, self-esteem building child rearing. My children would all be models of hyphenated happiness: self-confident, well-rounded, and easy-going. We sought a balance for them, a middle road of [...]
Welcome Aboard Author Becky Rupp!
Wow, am I excited and happy and thrilled beyond words! Beginning tomorrow, I hope you'll join me in welcoming aboard to Parent at the Helm none other than Becky Rupp! I've known Becky for what seems like forever, and I'm thrilled that she's lending her cheery enthusiasm for learning-at-home resources to our dear readers. Her first post will [...]
Will the $4b Bribe Bring National Standards to U.S.? By Judy Aron
By Judy Aron Here comes yet another national power grab. The U.S. government has created proposed education standards, in cooperation with "experts" who were appointed by the nation's governors and school superintendents. These standards spell out in detail what concepts and skills students should learn in every grade from K [...]
Five Money Myths that Trip Up Homeschoolers by Carol Topp
Five Money Myths that Trip Up Homeschoolers by Carol Topp, HomeschoolCPA.com As I think about time with my children, I’m reminded that they will not always be with us. We don’t know what the future holds. That leads me to our final myth: Myth # 5: I’ll use it someday. Truth: You don’t know what the future holds. From [...]