Compelled to Attend – Third and Final Part
Many know that Thomas Jefferson was “the father of public education.” Do you know what he wanted it to accomplish, or how long he figured it would take? Read on. The following is the third and final part of “Compelled to Attend” from The Art of Education: Reclaiming Your Family, Community and Self by Linda Dobson, published by Home [...]
Think Parent at the Helm When Buying Holiday Gifts
Welcome to Shop&Support! Where Parent at the Helm Gathers Great Deals for YOU and Support for Parent at the Helm Since the 1980′s, I’ve loved supporting and watching this community of engaged, informed parents grow. This is my home, where my heart wants to be. I would love to continue “doing what I love,” but at this point, “the [...]
Compelled to Attend – Part Two of Three
Compelled to Attend - Part Two of Three By Linda Dobson Can you think of a better way to insure that you will be “made” according to the dictates of others than by forcing you, by law, to appear at a government-funded, state-controlled institution where you spend a predetermined number of years as part of a crowd subject constant [...]
Compelled to Attend: Part One
Compelled to Attend Part One of Three By Linda Dobson Can you think of a better way to insure that you will be “made” according to the dictates of others than by forcing you, by law, to appear at a government-funded, state-controlled institution where you spend a predetermined number of years as part of a crowd subject constant scrutiny [...]
Don’t Let Unrealistic Expectations Damage Your Homeschooling Experience
By Linda Dobson During the last Christmas holidays, I engaged in what for me is a rare activity. I watched television programs. Not just any old television programs, mind you. Many were sitcoms. As if that wasn’t great enough, they were reruns of sitcoms made for Christmas’ past. One of these programs involves two divorced brothers who [...]