Your Family's Incredible Lifestyle Begins HERE – With Homeschooling
Saturday February 8th 2025

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Books By Linda Dobson ArtofEdCover Books By Linda Dobson learning-coach-approach


Homeschooling: Build Your Child’s Brain by Expanding Experience

Homeschooling: Build Your Child's Brain by Expanding Experience By Linda Dobson I always thought one of the biggest bummers of school attendance was the drudgery, the same ol' thing every single day, and one of the (many) reasons our family chose homeschooling was to spare our children the boredom of drudgery. Once free, our family, like [...]

Homeschooling: Give Your Schedule a Spring Cleaning!

Homeschooling: Give Your Schedule a Spring Cleaning! By Linda Dobson What could be better than finding more room in a closet after a spring cleaning. If you're like many homeschooling parents, you just might say finding more time in your day! Let's see how a homeschooling family who went before you learned to stretch the clock and save gas [...]

Homeschooling: Children Need Activity – and Nothingness – for Their Own Sake

Homeschooling: Children Need Activity - and Nothingness - for Their Own Sake By Linda Dobson Many homeschooling families have learned that academic success follows large doses of activity with no ulterior motive, that is, doing something for the sheer joy of the doing, period. For most children, sheer joy doesn't come from doing worksheets [...]

Putting the Child Back into Childhood

Putting the Child Back into Childhood By Linda Dobson I know I'm dating myself, but here goes. I remember a time when preschool was almost unheard of and daycare wasn't a noun. Most families participated in "early years" homeschooling (although they didn't call it that) until somewhere around a child's fifth or sixth birthday. Until then [...]

Help Your Child Find “Flow” In Homeschooling

Help Your Child Find "Flow" In Homeschooling By Linda Dobson During over thirty years of trying to answer the question, "What makes a life useful and worth living?" Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (no, I can't help you pronounce it!) has studied humans around the globe. His work is beneficial for homeschooling parents who see education's [...]

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