R*E*S*P*E*C*T: Find Out What It Means to Your Child
R*E*S*P*E*C*T: Find Out What It Means to Your Child Respect means to be mindful, to pay attention, to show consideration, to avoid intruding upon, and to avoid violating. ~ The University of Main Cooperative Extension By Linda Dobson Rodney Dangerfield became a rich man making jokes about how he doesn't get any respect, from his [...]
Find and Support Your Child’s Strengths for Homeschooling Fun and Success
Find and Support Your Child's Strengths for Homeschooling Fun and Success By Linda Dobson A homeschooling child with time and encouragement to follow her interests will drift toward those activities that provide the most pleasure - just as an adult will! Children usually aren't shy about asking to hear a book again (for the fourteenth [...]
Do YOU Believe In Genius?
Do YOU Believe In Genius? By Linda Dobson Many parents of the approximately forty-seven million school-aged children in America today have long assumed that everything educationally necessary was occurring in the classroom. Many also dream their children will grow as “geniuses,” ultimately contributing to society something wonderful [...]
Solutions to Midnight Panic Attacks and Other Fun When You Start Homeschooling
Solutions to Midnight Panic Attacks and Other Fun When You Start Homeschooling By Linda Dobson I know, I know. All of those homeschooling moms you know seem so cool, collected, and self-assured. Lean in; shhh. I'm about to let you know what they went through when they started homeschooling. You know, just so you know they're human...just [...]
You Might Be Making a Mistake While Considering Homeschooling If…
You Might Be Making a Mistake While Considering Homeschooling If... By Linda Dobson Thank goodness for Jeff Foxworthy and his ability to capture our attention with his "You might be a redneck if..." approach to helping us figure out, well, if we're a redneck or not. Today we're going to take the same logical (?) approach to a new [...]