Your Family's Incredible Lifestyle Begins HERE – With Homeschooling
Saturday February 8th 2025

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Books By Linda Dobson ArtofEdCover Books By Linda Dobson learning-coach-approach


The Homeschooler’s Guide to Getting Into College

The Homeschooler’s Guide to Getting Into College The following guest post was provided to Parent at the Helm by Carol Brown of The piece is slightly edited based on PATH's editor's  knowledge of homeschooling. There's a common misconception that homeschoolers have difficulty when it comes to getting into college. [...]

You Can Create Your Own Education Reform

You Can Create Your Own Education Reform By Linda Dobson Because of the ever-increasing number of laws related to schooling, politics and educational reform go hand in hand. The first President Bush called it "America 2000." With a few tweaks and a slight name change, President Clinton gave us "Goals 2000." (You don't hear anything about [...]

Homeschooling and the Art of Education

Homeschooling and the Art of Education By Linda Dobson In honor of Michelle Barone's Unschooling Summit, for which she and I spoke yesterday about the ideas behind my book, The Art of Education: Reclaiming Your Family, Community and Self, here's a snippet to invoke consideration of the practice for happier parents, which means happier [...]

They Call It A Grassroots Education Revolution: That’s Funny

They Call It A Grassroots Education Revolution: That's Funny By Linda Dobson They're calling it a grassroots education revolution, probably to get you all excited. But I'll let you in on a secret. It isn't a revolution at all. In fact, their "grassroots education revolution" has been in practice so long now I have friends whose children [...]

Teachers Turn to Homeschooling and Love the Difference

Teachers Turn to Homeschooling and Love the Difference By Linda Dobson Teachers, those parents with the most direct knowledge of school classrooms, are turning to homeschooling in growing numbers. Former teachers with intimate knowledge of the way the system works offer important comparisons between public or private school and [...]

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