Take Advantage of Homeschooling’s Important Flexibility
Take Advantage of Homeschooling's Important Flexibility BY LINDA DOBSON Homeschooling families blaze unexplored trails every day. Homeschooling. The word conjures up many different images in the minds of those who contemplate it. Some see siblings gathered around the kitchen table as their mother reviews a list of vocabulary [...]
Homeschooling and Time for Me
Homeschooling and Time for Me BY BEVERLEY PAINE Investing time into my children was the best self-investment I ever made. Encouraging my children to develop a life of their own based on their needs and wants and working efficiently and effectively to meet those needs meant I naturally focused on my own. I had to be the role model they needed [...]
How Can Homeschoolers Learn In the Morning As Much As Kids Who Are In School All Day?
How Can Homeschoolers Learn In the Morning As Much As Kids Who Are In School All Day? BY SUSANNAH SHEFFER Ask a child in school how much of the six-hour day that particular child spends in active learning, exploration, or engagement. How much time is spent getting one's own questions answered or experiencing the "click" of a fuzzy concept [...]
Trust the Most Powerful Tool Nature Has Provided Parents
Trust the Most Powerful Tool Nature Has Provided Parents BY LINDA DOBSON My e-mailbox overfloweth. There is no question anymore that a significant number of parents are questioning what's going on in public schools today. More importantly, they are searching the Internet for information and resources, and reaching out to anyone they think [...]
What Do Homeschooling Parents Do When the Nest Is Empty?
What Do Homeschooling Parents Do When the Nest Is Empty? BY LINDA DOBSON Over the years I've done my best to stay in touch with the many homeschooling moms and dads I've have the privilege to meet throughout the years of traveling to homeschooling conferences and working with many of them. I thought it would be fun to go through my Facebook [...]